Tuesday 18 October 2011

Comic Book Signs - Additional Information

The internet was used to gather these images which will be used during the mugging/fighting scene; to relate to the superhero 'comic strip' approach we are trying to achieve, and make the video more light-hearted. These will also allow the fighting scene to have no actual contact between actors, therefore reducing risk of injury and relating directly to the risk assessment.

These images will be edited to be more user-friendly during editing. 

Costumes Used

Criminal Outfit 1

The criminal(s) in this video need to follow a a costume of a stereotypical nature, which in this case is dark/black clothes that attempt to mask the identity of the person. This idea needs to be followed as the video relies mainly on a visual prompt to show criminal activity. We will also use this type of outfit as a template for any other criminals that might be needed.

Superhero Outfit 1

The underlining story behind the video we are producing portrays that an ordinary teenager becomes the hero, therefore we need to attempt to show him as a teenager 'mimicking' superhero's he has seen in other media's (ie. Superman). We are going to show this through typical teenage clothes merged with a 'self-adapted' superhero clothing. This idea will be followed through the video, however the outfit will alter depending on shots (Outfit 2).

Superhero Outfit 2

Monday 10 October 2011

Recce Shots

We used some recce shots to highlight possible places/locations for shooting, and create a clear picture of how shots will look; with some of the equipment used.

Location of the early classroom scene, which will use a range of shots to simulate a bustling college class with the hero in-between.

 The POV/over-the-shoulder shot that will be used in the classroom to highlight drawing(s).

 Another over-the-shoulder shot which will be used from within the car to highlight driver distraction and  impending accident.

 A location shot of one of the crimes (+1).

  A location shot of one of the crimes (+2).

  A location shot of one of the crimes (+3).

 A location shot of one of the crimes (+4).

 A location shot of one of the crimes (+5).

The car being used during one of the crime scenes.

These recce shots have highlighted the direction in which we will follow when filming, and created a clearer picture of the locations and items we will use. This now allows us to delve further into shots we need to use and other important factors such as costumes and lighting.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Superhero Logo Design

A creation of a superhero logo for the main character, to be used in costume and give a hidden reference to the 'Swedish House Mafia', the creator of the track. This logo helps underpin the idea behind the track and give a clear representation of the story we are trying to set. Photoshop CS 5.1 was used to create this image.

Call Sheet 3

Call Sheet 2

Call Sheet 1

Monday 3 October 2011

First Recce Shot - Establishing Slow-Motion Speed

100% Speed

55% Speed

We used a shot off an action scene to see what the product looked like if we slowed it down to give more emphasis. This means that we can manufacture situations to make them seem more important or less important as we see fit. You can see the difference between the two shots above.